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10 Romantic Things to Do in Paris

Imagine it: You’re looking up at the Eiffel tower sparkling in the night with your partner sitting next to you. Or maybe you’re sitting at a prestigious wine bar having a drink together. Or spending all day together exploring the city. With this guide, couples can find the best things to do in Paris based off of what they like to do ... READ the POST

Our Cruise Wedding Aboard the Norwegian Breakaway

As I walked down the aisle, my smile hurt my cheeks. The moment I had been waiting for, through all of the planning and our two years of engagement, was finally here. I was marrying the love of my life. Throughout all of the organization of our cruise wedding, this was the only moment I could think of. And now I was walking down the aisle towards ... READ the POST

How We Planned the Cruise Ship Wedding of Our Dreams

In March of 2018, David and I got married on a cruise ship on the Norwegian Breakaway. However, it wasn't a quick process - we spent over a year planning and organizing. Here's how we pulled off our cruise ship wedding. Why We Chose A Cruise Ship Wedding David and I got engaged on a (different) cruise in February 2016. We enjoyed being ... READ the POST

Eight Ways to Make Your Destination Wedding The Best Day Ever

Let’s all agree on something: no matter where you are in your destination wedding planning, we can all agree that wedding preparation is hard. It truly is. You have to balance your family’s expectations with you and your fiancé’s all while balancing your budget and fulfilling your own wedding planning dreams. So, before we go any further, my ... READ the POST

Seven Incredible Things to Do in St. Louis

No matter whether you find yourself in town for a weekend or a week, there are plenty of things to do in St Louis. As frequent travelers, we oftentimes find ourselves throughout the country – sometimes for a wedding or a reunion or maybe just a weekend away with friends. And, when we visited the “Gateway to the West,” we were worried that we ... READ the POST


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